Monday, November 15, 2010

Ad Blog

For the advertisement that I chose to analyze, I chose an ad from Buckler Beer.  In the ad, there is an outline of a beer glass with the words: “Please remove now the pictures and video from last night posted on Facebook.”  There is a beer bottle cap next to the glass with the Buckler Beer logo on it to signal that this is an advertisement for Buckler Beer.  The ad is poking fun at the newly popular practice of taking drunken photos and videos of yourself or friends and then later have them posted on Facebook for the world to see.  Buckler beer uses the popularity of Facebook in their advertisement because of the sheer number of people who use the site on a day to day basis and are of drinking age; whether they are in the work force or still in college.  The ad uses very few colors, making the viewer focus on what is inside the beer glass.  The words inside the glass are colored with the same color that beer normally is to simulate that the beer is the cause behind the message that the advertisement is trying to portray.  I think the message is effective because it ads humor to having a good time after drinking Buckler’s beer.

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